Novum Terram Wiki

A domestic rhinoceros is a domesticated descendant of black rhinoceros that were domesticated by Maverick Hunters because of their meat, medicine and horns. They need shrubs, grass (in some breeds), leaves, and berries in order to keep the domestic rhinos healthy. There are more than 1,550 breeds of domestic rhinoceroses all over the entire world. Unlike their wild ancestors, the domestic rhinoceroses are not endangered due to their domestication.

Indian square-lipped

This breed of domestic rhinoceros, known as the Indian square-lipped, is named because of its snout similar to that of an African white rhinoceros, and like the white rhinos (and unlike their ancestors), they can feed on grass, leaves, thorns, and berries.

Domestic Rhinoceros
  • Conservation Status: Domesticated
  • Domain: Eukarya
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Subphylum: Vertebrata
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Perissodactyl
  • Family: Rhinocerotidae
  • Genus: Diceros
  • Species: Familiaris
  • Scientific Name: Diceros Familiaris